Headshot Pricing

Call or email me today to set up an appointment.

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Regular Pricing

3 Looks*: $300.00
(includes three retouched photos)
Each additional look: $50.00

2 Looks*: $225.00
(included two retouched photos)

1 Look*: $175.00
(includes one retouched photo)

Plan for 1-hour of shoot time per look.
Indoor shoot will take place in my air-conditioned studio. Clothing rack and changing room provided.
Outdoor options available in surrounding area.
*see FAQ section for more info on “looks” and “retouches”

Hair/Make-up: Price Varies

If you’re interested, please contact me regarding a hair and make-up person so we can find the right fit for you. I don’t always recommend make-up, especially for men. Your headshot should look like you – and mild or temporary blemishes can be removed in retouching. I have a number of professional contacts who provide hair and make-up services to accommodate almost any budget.

For actors/models that have their own person they use, please feel free to bring them along!
For additional info on hair and make-up, please see my FAQ section.

Check out my Facebook page for possible discount offers.
JcB Photo Facebook

At the end of your shoot, I’ll upload all of your images to a private online album where you can access them. From there, you decide which images you’d like retouched. Retouching takes 3-5 business days.

Visa, American Express, Discover and Mastercard accepted.
Cash, Venmo, and Paypal also accepted.